Jim Cockrum Quotes!

We love Jim and his advice is like gold!  If you don’t know the meaning of any of these quotes, just ask!


God bless you Business Building Warriors!


What are you working on and how can I help?


$100 bills are blowing in the wind!


I love it when dads come home!


Find your audience first!


Success is like candlelight…not cake!


Never touch box tape!


Specializing beats diversifying.


Bolt…don’t bounce.


It’s all about relationships.


Ask them to show you their community with tons of success stories.


PAC stands for Proven Amazon Course


I have a Biblical worldview, but we can still be friends, even if you don’t.


Only do what only you can do!


Create value and serve your customers well.







24920 Nick Davis Road, Athens, AL 35613